While there is plenty of information online on how to prevent foreclosure. We realize that these situations are unique and personal. We specialize in providing solutions to help you stop the foreclosure process and get out of the difficult situation you may be experiencing
Located in Northern Nevada, with the ability to assist nationwide, we aim to serve our community and provide housing solutions for people in difficult situations, we specialize in stopping foreclosure auctions, navigating probate, recovering excess proceeds from the loss of a foreclosure sale, and preventing senior homelessness.
Founded in 2021. What better way to invest in our community than to offer our expertise and help people stop their auctions when they need to sell. We started our mission during the height of the pandemic when people were isolated and stress seemed to be at an all time high. Life seemed to be getting difficult for many people and we decided that the best way we could help was to work on a local level to provide resources, options and solutions to people who may be struggling or have questions regarding their properties.
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